Prof. Yakov E. Krasik

Head of P 4 lab Physics Technion 

e-mail : Krasik

phone : +972-4-8293559 fax:  972-4-8226641

office : Lidow’s Physics Complex 609 Technion

DOB: November, 13 1953, Ryazan city, Russia. Marital status: married +3


1976 – Physics Department, Tomsk Polytechnical University, Tomsk, Russia. M.Sc. Thesis: “High-current electron beam propagation across external magnetic field in low pressure gas”.
1980 – Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia. Ph.D. Thesis: “High power ion beam generation in reflex systems”.
1991 – Institute of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Russia.
D. Sc. Thesis – “Investigation of high power ion beam generation in the modified diode systems” – Submitted.


2008 – Professor, Technion, Physics Department, Haifa, Israel
2002 –2008 Associate Professor, Technion, Physics Department, Haifa, Israel
1997 – 2002 Senior Research Fellow, Technion, Physics Department, Haifa, Israel.
1991 – 1996 Research Scientist, Weizmann Institute of Science, Physics Department, Rehovot, Israel.
1986 – 1991 Head of the High Power Ion Beam Laboratory, Nuclear Research Institute, Tomsk, Russia.
1980 – 1986 Senior Scientist, Nuclear Research Institute, Tomsk, Russia.


1. Non-stationary current-carrying plasma (z-pinches, plasma opening switches, active plasma cathodes, explosive emission plasma, underwater electrical discharges, high-current ion and relativistic electron beams, non-ideal plasma, transport coefficients).
2. Interaction of magnetic field with pulsed high-density plasmas and turbulent electric field in plasmas.
3. Collective ion acceleration in vacuum and low pressure gases.
4. Physical processes accompanying high-power ion/electron beam generation.
5. Strong shock wave generation using underwater electrical wire array explosions.
6. High power microwave generation
7. Design and development of high-power generators, electric probes, nuclear activation methods, optical and spectroscopic measurements.


1988–1990 “Plasma Physics” (graduate level). Physics Department, Tomsk Polytechnical University, Tomsk, Russia.
2000 – Course “Plasma Physics” (graduate level). Physics Department, Technion, Israel.
2002 – Course “Physics 2” (undergraduate level). Physics Department, Technion, Israel.
2003 – Advanced students physics laboratory (graduate level). Physics Department, Technion, Israel.
2007 – Course “Physics 1m” (undergraduate level). Physics Department, Technion, Israel.
2008 – Course “Physics 3” (undergraduate level). Physics Department, Technion, Israel.
2010 – Course “Physics 3m” (graduate level). Physics Department, Technion, Israel.
SUPERVISION :  17 Ph.D. students and 25 M.Sc. students



Scientific Journals: Phys. Plasmas, Phys. Rev., Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys., IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., European Phys. Journal D., Rev. Sci. Instrum., Diamond and Related Materials, J. Physics D., Images in Plasma Physics, J. Vacuum Science &Technology, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.
Granting Agencies: US – Israel Binational Science Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Science Foundation, PAZI, Georgia National Science Foundation.


Member of the Israel Physical Society and IEEE, Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Member of the board of the Israeli Plasma Science and Technology Association.


1988 Best scientific research among young scientists, Academy of Sciences, USSR.
1986 Best scientific research, Ministry of Highest Education and Sciences, USSR.
1980, 1982, 1985, 1988 – Best scientific research, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tomsk, USSR.
2003 Technion team award for development of technologies for defense against terror.
2006 The Henri Gutwirth award.


Approx. 230 scientific papers (including 8 invited review papers and 9 invited papers) in refereed journals and about 350 reports in Proceedings of International and National Conferences.
Russian Journals:
Reports of Academy of Sciences, Plasma Physics, Lett. to J. of Technical Physics, J. of Technical Physics, J. of Physics, Quantum Electronics, Experimental Technique and Physics, Elementary Particles and Nuclei.
International Journals:
Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. E, Appl. Phys. Lett., Europhysics Lett., Phys. of Fluids, Phys. Plasmas, J. Physics, J. Appl. Phys., Laser and Particle Beams, Nucl. Instr. Meth., IEEE Trans. Plasma Scie., European Phys. J. D., Shock Waves, Vacuum, and Plasma Devices and Operations, IEEJ Trans. on Fundamentals and Materials.


Invited talks in Conferences:
1. International workshop on Plasma Opening Switches (Gramat, France, 1997). Limitation of the efficiency of the plasma opening switch operation.
2. Israel Physical Society (Rehovot, 1998, Tel-Aviv, 1999, Haifa, 2000, Jerusalem 2006). Investigation of energetic charged particle flows and accompanied microwave generation during plasma opening switch operation. Active plasma cathodes. Underware electrical wire explosion.
3. 13th Int. Conf. on High-Power Particle Beams (Nagaoka, Japan, 2000). Plasma emission sources for intense electron beams.
4. 12th Symposium on High Current Electronics (Tomsk, Russia, 2000). Active and passive electron sources for high current electron beams.
5. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society combined with the 10th Int. Congress on Plasma Physics (Quebec City, Canada, 2000). Plasma electron sources.
6. Annual Meetings of the Israel Physical Society (2003, 2006). Plasma electron sources. Underwater electrical wire explosion.
7. 29th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2002). Ferroelectric plasma sources and their application.
8. 7th International Conference on Electron Beam Technologies (Varna, Bulgaria, 2003). High-current electron sources based on gaseous plasma discharges.
9. 15th International Conference on High-Power Particles Beams (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2004). Low pressure hollow anode plasma sources for high-current electron beam generation.
10. 1st Euro–Asian International Conference on Pulsed Power (Chengdu, China, 2006). Active plasma sources for high power electron beam generation.
11. 2007 IEEE International Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference (Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2007). Two invited talks:
(1) Underwater electrical wire explosion.
(2) Plasma sources for electron beams.
12. 16th Symposium on High Current Electronics (Tomsk, Russia, 2010). Generation of strong converging shock.
13. 66th Gaseous Electronics Conference (Princeton, USA, 2013). Tutorial talk: Electrical discharge in liquids: physics and applications.
14. APC-PST conference, (Adelaide, Australia, 2014). Plenary talk: Plasma medicine and Liquid Plasma
15. International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (Tomsk, Russia, 2014).
Invited talk: Characterization of nanosecond discharge in pressurized gases.
16. Intern. Conference on Plasma Science, (Antalia, Turkia, 2015) Plenary talk: Underwater electrical wire explosion: Physics and Applications.

Invited seminars:

1. Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Russia (Dubna, 1980) – Investigation of high power ion beam generation in reflex systems.
2. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Russia (Moscow, 1988) – Investigation of Plasma Opening Switches operation in nanosecond and microsecond time scale.
3. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Novosibirsk Nuclear Institute, Kharkov Physical-Technical Institute, Moscow Physical–Technical Institute, Moscow Institute of High Temperature, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Sankt-Petersburg Electro-Technical Institute, Ekaterinburg Institute of Electro-Physics, Tomsk Institute of High Power Electronics – (1989-2006) – High power ion beam generation, transportation and focusing in modified diode systems. Plasma Opening Switches. Active plasma sources. Underwater electrical discharges.
4. Auburn University, USA (Auburn, 1990) – Powerful ion beam generation in B-applied diode.
5. Weizmann Institute of Sciences (1991, 2000, 2006) – Generation of high power ion beams in diodes systems. Nanosecond and microsecond plasma opening switches. Active plasma sources. Underwater electrical discharges.
6. Tel-Aviv University (Tel-Aviv, 1992) – Interaction of magnetic field with current carrying plasma.
7. Hebrew University (Jerusalem, 1993) – Charged particle generation in plasma opening switches.
8. Rafael (Haifa, 1994, 1998 – 2006) – Investigation of plasma opening switches in nanosecond and microsecond time duration of conduction phase. Acitve plasma sources. Underwater electrical discharges.
9. Cornell University, USA (Ithaca, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1999) – Charge-space effects influence on the ion beam generation in reflex and magnetic insulated diodes. Plasma Opening Switches investigation. Magnetic field evolution during Plasma Opening Switch operation. Ferroelectric plasma cathodes.
10.University of California, USA (Irvine, 1994, 1999) – Spectroscopic investigation of electric and magnetic field distribution in the coaxial nanosecond POS. Ferroelectric cathodes.
11. Ecole Polytechnique, France (Palaiseau, 1993, 1996, 2005) – Main physical processes of high power ion beam generation. Charged particle emission during microsecond POS operation.
12. Institute of Nuclear Physicsy (Karlsruhe, Germany 1993, 2005) – Spectroscopic investigation of POS. Active plasma sources. Underwater electrical discharges.
13. University of New Mexico, (Albuquerque, USA, 1999) – Ferroelectric plasma cathodes.
14. University of Strathclyde, (Glasgo, U.K., 2002) – Active plasma sources.
Culham Research Center, (Malvern, U.K., 2002) – Passive and active plasma sources.
15. University of Milano (Milan, Italy, 2003, 2004) – Active plasma sources based on hollow anode and hollow cathode gaseous discharges.
16. Max Plank Institute (Stuttgart, Germany, 2005) – Active plasma sources.
17. RWTH Aachen University (Aachen, Germany, 2007) – Strong shock wave generation using underwater electrical wire explosion.
18. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany, 2010, 2011) – Underwarter electrical wire explosion. Plasma Electron sources.
19. GSI (Stuttgart, Germany, 2011, 2012, 2013) – Extreme water state generated by converging strong shock waves.

Participation in organizing conferences

1998 – organization of the 12th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams, Haifa, Israel.
2001, 2010 – organization and chairman of the 4th Israeli Conference on Plasma Science and Applications, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
2002, 2003 – organization and chairman of the Plasma Physics Session of 47 and 48 Annual Meetings of Israel Physical Society
2002, 2003, 2007 – session chairman of 5th, 6th and 9th Israeli Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications.
2007 – two sessions chairman of the 2007 IEEE International Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
2008 – Plasma, Ion and Electron Sources session organizer of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 15 – 19.
2008 – Organization and chairman of the 10th Israeli Conference on Plasma Science and Applications, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
2009 – 2012 Chairman of Israeli Plasma Physics and Applications Society.

Research Laboratories:

2002 – Head of the Plasma and Pulsed Power laboratory, Physics Department: a modern laboratory equipped by several pulsed power generators with output power up to 109 W and various electrical, optical, spectroscopical and x-ray diagnostics. Research of passive and active cathodes, underwater electrical wire explosion, plasma window, spark channel discharges and dc electron guns.
2006 – Head of the Pulsed Power Center, Canada Building: a pulsed power laboratory equipped by modern pulsed power high current relativistic electron beam generators with output power up to 1010 W and microwave tubes. Research of high-power microwave and high-current relativistic electron beam generation.

At present, experimental and theoretical research of passive and active cathodes, underwater electrical wire explosion, plasma window, spark channel discharges and dc electron guns, high-power microwave and high-current relativistic electron beam generation is carried out by the group of 21 graduated students and new-immigrant scientists.

Scientific cooperation:
Ecole Polytechnique (France), University of California (USA), University of Illinouis (USA), Prinstone University (USA), University of St. Andrews (GB), University of New Mexico (USA), Texas Tech University (USA) Institute of Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology, Research Center Karlsruhe (Germany), GSI (Darmstadt, Germany), Nuclear Research Institute (Tomsk, Russia), Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati (Italy), Institute of High Current Electronics (Russian Academy of Sciences), Institute of Hydrodynamics (Russian Academy of Sciences, Lebedev Physics Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences), Weizmann Institute of Science, Tel-Aviv-University, Ben Gurion University.